Giacomo Borghese
What brought you to writing?
Maybe you can tell us a bit about what made you first sit down and start writing prose. Was it as part of a job or education? Maybe as a journalist? Or was it something totally different. Have you felt an inner force, maybe? Something that compelled you to let it out, to invent stories, characters? At first, have you written for your eyes only, or has there always been the big audience that you wanted to reach. Was it your wish to entertain? Maybe to teach? To tell some kind of truth? Things like that should fill this space …
Describe your path to what you‘re doing now.
What happened since then? Do you want to tell us a bit about your biography? Or maybe not – then don’t …
Is passion important for you?
We believe that at the heart of everything a creative person does more often than not there’s some kind of passion, a deeply felt urge to make something „happen“ – write a poem, invent a story, paint a picture, compose some music, whatever it is. … But maybe for you it’s been something totally different. And hopefully you want to share this …
Your thoughts about mastery and failure.
Are mastery and/or perfection objectives you would want to accomplish?
Fears are …
If any – what might be your personal fears? Do they help you to go forward, do the next step? Or do they depress you, put a weight on your shoulders and tend to keep you from being creative? How do you handle those fears, what do you do to overcome them? …
Has there been a point when you had any regrets?
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …
Money is important … or not?
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …
Tell us about inspiration and creativity.
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …
What does a typical day in your life look like?
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …
Is there any advice you could share with someone who wants to become a writer?
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …
Is there something in the way of a legacy you hope to leave behind?
Here goes all you want to tell your readers / audience / the world …

With all these questions: Please imagine a situation where you are in a conversation with, maybe not necessarily a friend, but somebody who is interested in you as a person and as a writer, a creative person, an artist. Someone who wants to get a little inside information about the person who crafts this wonderful / entertaining / enlightening / boring stories. Please don‘t feel pressed to spill the beans about things which are too private and personal. That‘s not what we want. What could intrigue your prospective or existing audience so much that they would want to bend over backwards for getting a chance to read – enjoy – hate – buy your work?
Also, please, try to find some photos or illustrations, something visual, to accompany your words. Maybe more than the three photos we used for this demo interview. Maybe you even could grab your smartphone and shoot some seconds of animated pictures. But most important of all: Have fun while doing this since only then it will work its magic …